



** AS from 2018 all ByPic products are not available (there may be some left if you contact me). ByPic is however free and so you can program your own PIC32MX170 **

All of the following processors run ByPic firmware, see side menu for device

Just the IC with ByPic firmware installed. This will work with a serial device connected to the TX and RX and set to 115200 Baud. The only components needed are a 10uF capacitor. The power supply is 3.3V. Ideal for an electronics enthusiast that already has a breadboard and serial interface. More.....

BV502_V2 - Mini-Max

Min-Max. This is a PIC32 SMD running at 40MHz on a very small PCB. The pins have 2.54 (0.1") spacing so that it can be used as a plug in either on a solderless breadboard or standard strip board. It comes with ByPic installed.

BV504 - Front Panel Processor

This is a PIC32MX170 with a user interface built in. Ideal for projects but has a very slim profile so can be used within a project box


BV507 - Home controller

This has wifi and a small graphic OLED display support.


BV508 (PIC32MX170)

IoT Wi-Fi GPIO using the ESP8266, make an easy connection to the online world. More...

BV510 - Multi io with wifi

This is a general purpose wifi enabled board. It can read and write information via wifi for example over telnet or it can be used directly via a serial interface. The wifi can contact external sources if required and also given the correct network environment can be controlled externally.


BV517 - With colour display and keypad

This is a serial device that can be used for general input / output. It can be connected to a microcontroller and display fonts and images which the device can store on its own flash memory thus freeing up resources on the host.



See Archive Page for discontinued products